Component CRUD

UI CRUD interfaces


CRUD concept

What is CRUD, well CRUD stand for:

CREATE: To create we mostly use HTTP POST method. POST creates a new resource of the specified resource type.

READ: To read we use the GET method. Reading a resource should never change any information - it should only retrieve it. no mather how many times you call GET you should ALWAYS get the same response that was first made.

UPDATE: To update we use the PUT that is a HTTP method. PUT is used to modified the value in the database and update that information so futur GET request can have the new reference.

DELETE: To delete we use the HTTP method DELETE. this is used to remove ressources from the system. so as an exemple we would use DELETE and specifie what element we want to delete from the database. Then if we call GET we should have a no content that is retreive from our command.

CRUD Actions


CRUD parameters

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CRUD parameters Actions

  • Default
  • Order
  • Color
  • Icon
  • ...